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Do you “Shred?”

My sister Shirl has always been a shredder or burner. Anything with the names addresses or important  personal information. I was reminded of how big the business of shredding has become when a big truck passed us on the road yesterday that advertised “We come to your business and shred” no job to large or too small.


When I was in the USN I was responsible for a lot of classified material, meaning, there were a lot of ‘burn runs’ to destroy sensitive information. On the ship there was a special incinerator for burning, that also furnished heat for steam lines. Books are the worlds worst to burn.


Well anyway yesterday when I spied the truck I remembered it was time to make room in our on-board files.  Like everything else when you live on a motor home you cannot keep too many records.  We also do not have a shredder, I don’t want to give up the space.


My solution is to take all the sensitive information and some not, put it all in a bucket and add water. I stir it around some and let it sit over night. Then I stir it again. Let it sit, then stir it again and it becomes slush. Then if I am close to the dumpster I pour it in a plastic bag and dump it.


I am not close here so I make paper balls out of it. It is like snow balls, and when they dry out it is impossible to tear them apart and get any information. I say impossible, what I mean it is too complicated a task for no more that a person can glean. Most thieves,who know anything about computers, steal information from there.


I remember in my 3rd grade, we made Halloween masks, I think she called it papier-mâché’. 


If you know of a better way, let me know.

Thanks for coming by the Log.

Nite Shipslog


Always remember you're unique. (Just like everyone else. )


Remember my paper ‘snow balls?”

paper mustandgpaper mustang2papercar00 audi

These two cars are made completely from paper,  No they do not run! but it is all paper, the mustang ended up with a paper engine. Mustang is full size, the Audi is about 1/4 size.

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