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Conspiracy theorists 'catch' Tupac in live report

Tupac is reportedly 'seen alive' in a video of a live report, according to a new conspiracy theory that says the rapper is at the bottom of the unearthed images.

One more theory involving Tupac's death came up. This time conspiracy theorists spotted Tupac Shakur was seen 'alive' at the bottom of a live report. The sighting was posted on social media on Wednesday with allegations that the rapper can be seen dancing to the music in the video.
The rapper, who was also known as 2Pac and Makaveli, was murdered in a Las Vegas shooting in 1996. For the next 23 years, there were numerous rapper 'appearances', with some believing that he faked his death at the time. The unearthed news footage from Occupy Wall Street in New York in 2011 has been analyzed by conspiracy theorists, who point to Tupac allegedly wearing a yellow raincoat in the background.
The rapper appears only for a few seconds, but it is enough for many to improve on the theory that he did not die and instead made a new life for himself, out of the limelight. In the video, the person saying Tupac is seen looking straight at the camera before disappearing into the crowd.
The same person reappears a few seconds later, but this time they are obscuring their faces with a hood before dancing again. The video was widely shared on Twitter and received a lot of comments from fans who thought this was proof that the rapper had survived the shooting.
One user pointed out however that it was extremely unlikely that Tupac would appear at such a public event. They tweeted, “I love the idea that Tupac had the job of abandoning his multimillion dollar career, faking his murder and fleeing the hemisphere for 15 years to escape you, but then decided to appear at an Occupy New York rally in 2011 without a cover. why not? "

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