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The royal wedding takes over another magazine...

So hungover post wedding celebrations, I settled down with the Sunday Times to read the headlines (aka - the style section) and dropped the paper in disgust....the royal wedding has made fools of the style media.
The ENTIRE magazine was about weddings. All of it. Now I appreciate that some people are getting married this year and all, but for every girl who is - there are 8 who aren't.
I am fed up of getting royal wedding this and that shoved down my throat. I appreciate the excitement of actual people's weddings. But I just don't care about William and Kate getting married. Frankly, I think in a day and age where people are suffering the effects of the current economic crisis, it's a little unfair to have such a showy event. But then, I wasn't alive for Diana's wedding in the 80's. So maybe I missed out? Who can say!
I am just so fed up of reading about their wedding. I want my magazines back! back to the usual display of fashion and petty gossip I have come to expect!!!!
Not to mention that Vogue have done a wedding special this month as well. I buy Vogue each month with the slightly mad aura of a crack addict reaching for the pipe. But not this month, as it stares down at me with a selection of beautifully made up models in wedding gowns I am more determind not to buy it.

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